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Costly Gym Equipment mistakes to avoid

5 Core Mistakes To Avoid When Buying Gym Equipment

When buying gym equipment—whether online, in person, on eBay, or Facebook Marketplace—there are a few tragic mistakes that tend to happen.

Mistakes that can cost you and everyone involved an arm, a leg, and whatever dignity you had left.

If you have no idea what you’re looking at when you land on a gym equipment site, its vital to understand where things can and will go wrong if not thought through. 

I mean imagine this, you land on a site with thousands of products, you add some random gear to your cart, put your card details in, and click 'Buy Now'. 

You just entered the twilight zone. What happens now? 

In reality, chances are you’ll be fine. You’ll pick something you like, that you think you’ll use, and hope it arrives safely and quickly, so you stay excited by the time it gets to you. (otherwise, you might just refuse the shipment and go back to Uber Eats).

But if there’s one thing I can teach you—it’s how to mess up a fitness equipment order.

We’ve made every mistake in the book, and that's exactly why we're the most qualified to help.

Today, you will learn about 5 core mistakes to avoid and make sure you don’t follow in our footsteps.

buying too cheap

Mistake 1: Buying Too Cheap

Sure, saving money feels good. But buying the cheapest gym equipment you can find? Bad idea. 

Not all affordable equipment is junk. There’s a big difference between a well-priced, budget-friendly option and something that’s poorly engineered and unsafe.

Consider this:

  • Avoid junky, useless metal that doesn’t get results. The engineers who built it probably took a few shortcuts on stability, weight, and materials, to drive prices down.

  • Investments should sting, at least a little. You won’t feel that monetary sting that makes you want to use it. Instead, you feel no guilt letting it collect dust. 

  • Safety becomes a concern. We would never sell you something unsafe, but cheap equipment = cheap materials, which means it won’t hold up to intense workouts or particularly heavy users. Every piece of equipment is designed with somebody in mind, and if you get a good product, and give it to the wrong person, it may not hold up to YOUR needs. 

Think of it like cars. A beater will get you from Point A to Point B… hopefully. But if you want reliability and performance, you’re paying a little more. Same idea here.

Pro tip: Buy once, cry once. Invest in quality equipment at a reasonable price, and you’ll thank yourself later.

Related Article: Top Ways To Save On Good Gym Equipment

buying too expensive

Mistake 2: Spending Too Much

On the flip side, as much as we want to sell expensive equipment, there is such a thing as spending too much, which can hurt just as badly.

Depending on who you are, there are times it makes sense to buy expensive equipment. Commercial settings, athletes, heavy lifters, and equipment gurus, feel free to invest as much as your budget allows. 

For the average joe, here’s where it can backfire:

  • You might regret it. Spending $5,000 on a machine just for bicep curls? Not worth it.

  • Hype fades fast. You’ll be pumped for a week… then realize you spent a fortune on something you use once a week.

  • Repairs cost more. Just like a Lambo’s bumper costs more than my Honda Civic, fixing high-end equipment is pricey.

  • Less budget for more equipment. A well balance workout space is important. If you blow your budget on a treadmill, you might miss out on some cool strength equipment and accessories. 

Find the sweet spot. Buy equipment that stretches your budget just enough that you feel invested, without needing to sell your cat to cover the mortgage.

Related Article: Avoid Buyers Remorse At All Costs - Top Tips

Not planning your space or equipment selection

Mistake 3: Not Planning Your Space Effectively

Imagine this: You order a 5-100lb dumbbell set with a rack. It takes up the entire wall and juts out 3 feet into your floor space. Suddenly, your gym feels more like an obstacle course. You have no space left for the squat rack which is also on its way to you, and now you're stuck. 

Here’s how to avoid space disasters:

  • Measure your space first. Seriously. Get those dimensions and map it out.

  • Think vertical, adjustable, and wall mounted. PowerBlocks, wall mounting squat racks, and vertical storage racks for example take up a fraction of the space.

  • Don’t forget flooring. Another nightmare we hate to see is somebody getting all their equipment setup, just to realize they need flooring mats to go under all the equipment. Now what....

Simple, elementary planning in your gym space, takes a couple hours at most. Measure your space, consider how to save a few feet where you can, and build from the ground up. 

Related Article: How To Maximize Your Workout Space Efficiency 

equipment warranty rating mismatch

Mistake 4: Not Matching Equipment Quality to Your Needs

Residential vs. Light Commercial vs. Full Commercial—what’s the difference, and why does it matter?

  • Residential Equipment: Great for beginners and casual use. It’s affordable but not meant for heavy, consistent workouts or public use.

  • Light Commercial: Perfect middle ground—built tougher, but not as expensive or heavy duty as full commercial.

  • Full Commercial: Built to withstand a tornado. Overkill for average home gyms, but it’s a beast if you want your equipment to last forever, and deliver the most comfortable, solid experience.

If you’re lifting seriously, inexpensive, lightweight residential equipment probably won’t cut it. But if you’re a weekend warrior, full commercial is probably overkill.

Keep in mind that using residential equipment in a commercial setting often voids the warranty. It’s worth double-checking before purchase.

Consider the quality standards and warranty that comes with the piece of equipment to make sure you get what you need, and that the warranty protects your equipment in the setting you buy it for. 

Related Article: Home Gym Vs Commercial Gym Equipment

ignoring shipping and logistics

Mistake 5: Ignoring Delivery, Shipping, and Lead Time Logistics

Buying gym equipment is easy. Getting it delivered to your house, on time, everytime? That’s a whole other story. 

Here’s what you can expect:

  • Curbside delivery is standard. That means the driver leaves it at the curb. No one’s helping you move that 300-pound machine inside. Prepare some help, or set your expectations properly if you are accepting a delivery to your home. 

  • Check lead times. This isn’t Amazon Prime. Big equipment takes time to properly pack and ship out—especially during peak seasons. Some equipment is made-to-order, which means when you order, the equipment must be made before it even ships out! 

  • Be there for delivery. Inspect your shipment closely, check for damage, and don’t sign off until you’re sure it’s all good. There's no harm in being specific on the delivery bill just in case there is any damage. It does happen, but with the right protocol, you're guaranteed a like new, quality product. 

Pro tip: Talk to the seller about the timeline, and delivery expectations upfront. If they’re not communicating with you, that’s your sign to bail and buy from someone else.

Related Article: Ultimate Guide To Gym Equipment Shipping Logistics

Final Thoughts

If you can avoid most of these mistakes, you're left with a successfully delivery of the right equipment for you, delivering the results you imagined. 

By default, you’ll make better decisions and have a smoother experience.

Whether you’re 60 years old and staying in shape or a gym owner training 21-year-old athletes, these principles apply to everyone.

Summing it up:

  • Buy versatile essentials first, and add specialty equipment over time.

  • Stretch your budget—but don’t break it.

  • Plan your gym from the ground up, and don’t forget storage.

  • Keep communication open with the seller, and conservatively set your delivery expectations.

If you need help, our team at Select Fitness is literally waiting for your call. We love helping customers plan out their space and make good buying decisions.

Live chat, email us at, or call 888-995-4450 anytime 9-5 CST.

Thanks for watching, and happy lifting! 💪

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About The Author

Matt Gemkow, the author of this content section at Select Fitness USA, boasts more than 15 years of fitness experience. He started out in sports and athletic training for many years and has since 2014 transitioned into heavy-weight training and bodybuilding. As a result, he has become one of the most experienced fitness equipment experts out there, and a valuable source of information.

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